Tips to Use Your Air Conditioner More Economically

Tips to Use Your Air Conditioner More Economically

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The summer heat is almost here, and the temps are already hardly bearable. It’s just the time for most households to start using their air conditioners to keep the environment inside comfy and cool. However, pleasant temperature often comes with hefty energy bills. Not only that, but excessive usage of air conditioners is also one of the contributors to climate change, meaning that reducing your air conditioner working time will benefit both your wallet and the planet. In this article, we at Airmaker HVAC, Inc. will delve into all the peculiarities and advice for optimizing your air conditioning and find out how to use an air conditioner effectively and make it as energy-efficient as possible.

Change the Air Filter Every 6 Months

An air filter is one of the crucial parts of any air conditioner. By trapping and holding many types of particles and contaminants, like dust, dirt, and pollen, it cleans the air that circulates in your whole HVAC system. Unfortunately, they tend to get dirty with time, and dirty air filters restrict the airflow, meaning that the outdoor unit has to work harder to provide the same amount of cooling, resulting in increased energy bills. That is why one of the best ways how to use an air conditioner economically without sacrificing enjoyable temperature is to install a clean filter in your air conditioner unit at least once every 6 months. However, depending on your region, how much your AC works, if there are pets in your home, and other factors, the frequency of replacements might grow. Implementing this step into your AC maintenance plan can decrease your air conditioner's energy consumption by 5 to 15%.

Use Smart Thermostats or AC Controllers

Keeping an eye on your thermostat AC settings might be quite tedious, especially when you are out of the home. Luckily, the invention of smart and programmable thermostats and advancements in them have revolutionized temperature control in the house, allowing you to simply install it and control your entire HVAC system remotely. Moreover, some modern devices come with occupancy sensors, humidity sensors, Wi-Fi connectivity, and geofencing capabilities, making them so much more energy-efficient and user-friendly, allowing you to keep both your cooling and heating costs down.

Utilize the Best Thermostat Setting

However tempting it might seem, it is not always the best idea to crank your AC to the lowest setting on a hot summer day. Although it might not feel like a huge change, setting your thermostat just 2-3 degrees higher can reduce energy use significantly and have virtually no effect on the temperature inside. As a result, air conditioning systems use can become much more effective and economical without significant sacrifices. Also, try to avoid using emergency heat mode on the thermostat as long as your heat pump is working, as it can severely damage your whole HVAC system.

Keep Your Doors and Windows Closed

However counterintuitive it might seem, keeping all your doors and windows shut during the hot weather is vital. Think of your house as a massive ice chest, which remains cold due to the inner air circulation. The fewer leaks there are for the cold air to go through and hot air to enter, the less your AC needs to work to maintain the temperature, turning it into one of the most efficient ways to run AC. In addition, direct sunlight tends to not only warm up the air inside but can even damage the AC unit after durable exposure. Try to create an isolated space to mitigate temperature losses and minimize the amount of time your air conditioner works.

Avoid Steep Temperature Changes 

Setting your thermostat to a much cooler setting than the outdoor temperature will make your AC work overtime to reach that setting quickly. Such a surge is usually more inefficient than maintaining a relatively consistent temperature. Opt for gradual cooling by adjusting the temperature in smaller increments over time. This allows the system to reach the desired indoor temperature more efficiently and reduces strain on the outdoor unit, making it the most efficient way to use AC indoors.

Set The Right Temperature 

While everyone has a personal temperature preference, the ideal thermostat setting for energy efficiency on summer days is generally in the range of 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit. This provides sufficient cooling without excessive energy use. Consider using ceiling fans to circulate cool air more effectively, creating a more comfortable temperature at a more efficient setting.

Keep an Eye on Indoor Humidity

High humidity levels can make even cool temperatures feel uncomfortable. If you are worried about your AC’s energy consumption, consider removing excess moisture from the air, allowing your AC to cool more effectively and potentially run for shorter cycles. As a result, this translates to lower energy consumption and reduced electricity bills. If you are looking for ways how to use an AC efficiently, consider investing in a good humidity detector and a dehumidifier.

Use Right-Size AC For Room Size 

An AC unit too small for your space will struggle to keep up during the hottest summer months, leading to inefficient operation and higher energy costs. Conversely, an oversized unit will cycle on and off more frequently, wasting energy. Consult with air conditioning experts to ensure your AC unit is the right size for your space. This ensures optimal air conditioner efficiency and minimizes energy wastage.

Turn Off the AC When You're Not Home

There's no point in cooling an empty house. Turn off your AC when you're not home, or use the programmable features on your thermostat to set specific cooling times. Consider automation features that can adjust the temperature based on your presence or schedule, further reducing unnecessary cooling and energy use. In addition to that, this way, your air conditioning unit is likely to serve you longer without the need for premature replacement.

Use Sleep Mode at Night

Many AC units have a sleep mode function that slightly increases the temperature during the night. Since you're likely under blankets while sleeping, you won't notice the slight temperature change, but your AC will use less energy. Making it the most efficient way to use air conditioning at night without suffering from the heat, sleep mode is a true finding for everyone looking for the best way to use an air conditioner.

Optimize Your Home HVAC System Today! 

Contact Airmaker HVAC Inc. today for a free consultation and learn how we can help you achieve maximum comfort with minimal energy bills. Schedule your appointment online or call us at +1 (818) 642-5278 or to receive the highest-quality and affordable HVAC services today!

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